Friday, June 15, 2007



Main Entry: sup·port
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: from Latin supportare,
from sub- + portare > to carry

(1): to endure bravely or quietly : bear
(2): to promote the interests of; assist, help
(3): to hold up or serve as a foundation or prop for
(4): to maintain at a desired level
(5): to keep from fainting, yielding, or losing courage : comfort
(6): to take care of everything non-bar; NOTICING what needs to be done

Every experience is different, but just as 1L was its own special hazing whether you attended Harvard, State U, or Cousin Vinny's School of Law, your real-life v. bar-life might go something like this:

W explains the time & focus needed to prepare for the bar exam.

H understands & agrees to do whatever is necessary for W to pass.

Knowing H doesn't truly understand, W attempts to list/detail 'necessary'. H nods in agreement, but does not really share W's definition of the word.

Melt-down #1.

Draw the next scene using your imagination. Color the picture 'not pretty.'

W (with increasing frustration) reiterates bar-prep-support requirements.

In between licking his wounds, H is 99% perfect for precisely 4.2 days. During this time, W accomplishes much effective study. Confidence rises.

Life now reverts to "normal". Not good. W notices - a little more each day. H subtly changes degree of effort exerted - a little less each day.

Bar study diminishes inversely proportional to the rising level of tension. W notices both. H recognizes neither.

Melt-down #2.

And #3.

Slight increase in support-level and bar-focus. Not nearly enough to pass. W knows this all too well - enough to be afraid. H still does not understand.

Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

H probably just probably really doesn't undertand - to most of my family, it's just school - and one test, right? And one more movie won't hurt, right? And can you walk the dog? And have coffee with my mother tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Imagine how crystal clear H's understanding will be if W's name isn't on the past list. Hind site is 20/20.

Anonymous said...

Difference in H and W when H is taking the bar and W does not understand.
H.. I don't need support just leave me alone, I just need time
W.. did you do X today? Y today? How was your day?
H I have to study.
W did you bla bla bla..\
H LEAVE ME ALONE.. I am leaving to study
W you don't love me, you don't want to spend time with me..
H- ahhhh! Going to fail bar! ahhh!!

Anonymous said...

I can so relate. My in-laws are really pissing me off lately (long long story filled with tons of extreme drama). Even worse, 3 of them are supposed to come for 5 days next week over the 4th of July. I told my H he's in charge of their entire visit.

Law Daze said...

Please leave. Seriously, not leave H, just your house. Tell H something like I did last night, "I'm really sorry if [ X ] bothers you but I am only capable of caring about a tiny number of 'personal' issues and right now that means only making sure that I (1) don't smell, and (2) don't alienate you completely."

And Anonymous H: line up a few bar blog comments for W - Grace's 'How to Talk to Someone Studying for the Bar; and the July 19, 2005 entry by Open and Notorious "You Might Be Studying for the Bar If . . ." (blogspot).