Monday, June 18, 2007

Magnetic Poetry

Out of the house again ~ this time to the bookstore/coffee shop for the day while work was being done on the house. Not a bad place to study: well-lit tables, comfy couches and sparcely populated. Quieter than the average bookstore with a non-intrusive sountrack playing in the background. The only interruptions were 2 inquires about the book-stand ("where can I get one of those") and 2 comments on my 'where fun goes to die' t-shirt. Otherwise, very effective study day.

Other than a Subway sandwich shop and a check-cashing storefront, there were no other businesses nearby, so my breaks were spent wandering randomly through the bookstore. Searching for fresh highlighters on one trek, I came across a game and gift section with an entire row devoted to magnetic poetry kits. With my brain full of Convisor and perplexing procedural issues, I pondered the array. We have a few magnetic words on our fridge - but too few to make much of a statement. What should we add?

'romance kit' -- unlikely

'love' -- not feelin' it

'original' -- maybe. can't decide whether seeing the inclusion of "drool" and "elaborate" through the cellophane attracts or repels me.

'pick up lines' -- yeah, right

'dog lover' -- no. we have a wonderful family pooch, but nothing to write poetry about (although the block words arranged on the box did make me smile - dog says -
me like to roll in stink y thing s

'activist' -- not

'genius' -- definitely not

'healing words' -- maybe later. say, in several weeks, or perhaps November.

'put-downs' -- hardly necessary these days. seem to come to mind easily enough without any help from a magnetic dictionary.

Then I notice the Unemployed Philosophers shot-glass collection.

Given the number of recent alcohol-related posts on various bar exam blogs, I thought this definitely had possibilities. By the way, thanks guys - all those posts on one day! Just happened to be the night that SO observed, 'You seem to be drinking more lately' - meaning that 3 nights in a row I chose a [single] bottle of Shiner to go with dinner rather than tea or water. Immediately after the ensuing discussion and while the issue of 'to have or not to have' was still up in the air and dinner was rapidly cooling, we took a few minutes to look up the AA definition of 'alcoholic' (his contention was that having a drink 3 days in a row could be a problem) and then we perused the daily bar blog collection . . .

. . . drinking . . .

. . . drinking . . .

. . . drinking . . .

SO didn't know whether to be more concerned given the online company I keep or feel reassured that I'm 'normal.'


Anonymous said...

I have a question for you on the MPT. What does barbri say about how many practice MPT's we should do? Is it 4? Also how many practice test should we plan on doing for the P/E? thanks

Law Daze said...

BarBri recommends doing a 'bare minimum' of 6 MPTs - but advises you do enough to get your completion time into the 90-minute period and your confidence up no matter what the topic (i.e., even if you have no idea how to handle the subject matter, you've done enough MPTs to handle the organization & time-management so that you'll be okay).

Unfortunately, I have no idea how many on the P/E. Haven't completed the full lectures, and have an entire stack of old P&Es along with examiner's commentaries that I haven't even touched yet.

I presume you're talking Texas P&E - you might try messaging or emailing Still Cougar via She's pretty helpful and I think she used to have a detailed bar study plan.

Now with 110% more bitter! said...

Feel reassured that you're normal. Granted, you quoted my blog... but still.

Now with 110% more bitter! said...

Well... before you edited the entry, that is.

Law Daze said...

Edited to no longer be the quote you mentioned. Didn't credit the partial sentence snippets to their owners because they were (1) incomplete sound bites from a public forum and (2) just one-liners about drinking. Almost all of the online bar blogs have mentioned the subject in one post or another - but are certainly not limited to drinking comments. Didn't want to cast anyone in a 'false light' by completely quoting and attributing an isolated statement like that, implying views you may not hold.

Your blog, like the other drinking comment I 'edited down', offers far more interest and info than that. Someone who regularly reads or uses the link to your full blog would know - someone who just happened onto a random quote about drinking might not. My bad (but with good intentions).

Bar/Bride said...

I totally want a "where fun goes to die" shirt. Share details!

Law Daze said...

Would August be okay? Just need to locate the right email contact, and there's a lot on my plate these days!

Anonymous said...

So did you have the beer or not? And what exactly is the definition of alcoholic?