Thursday, May 31, 2007

June 1st - The Clock is Ticking

Wrote the date on a check this morning . . . 30 days has September, April, June and November, all the rest have . . . oh #@!$#@! -- today is May 31st -- that means that tomorrow is . . . . JUNE!!!!!

Haven't been online in over a week. I would like to say it's because I have been so focused and dedicated to keeping up with my prep . . . but the truth is that somehow my computer settings (or a higher power?) have been blocking me from signing into Blogger. I have, however, been skimming other bar exam sites (list to follow).

Most people blogging seem to be in high gear now - a few even post extraordinary results. I haven't saved those sites because I'm not sure whether they're written by bar-geniuses who just excel at the Multistate even though most bar classes only started in the past week or two . . . or by sadistic law students like the one in my first semester who not only wore a suit and tie to his first round of exams, but made a point of carefully draping his custom-tailored jacket over the podium at the front of the room, seating himself on the very back row, and periodically walking back and forth to rearrange said jacket, or remove and add the silk tie to the stack, etc. - trying to be as nonchalantly disruptive as possible. You all had one like that. You know, the one who walked out of the Civ Proc. end-of-semester beating loudly exclaiming, 'Man, I'm so glad I reviewed the Erie Doctrine this morning - I really nailed that one with the train!', causing the entire section to freak - 'train, what train??'. [There was no train question].

Most bloggers seem to be normal people (for law students : ) who are enjoying this as much as the rest of us. Those links I've saved - misery does love company.


Preston said...

dude, your blog is EVERYTHING I'm feeling these days...I would say try to keep it up, but if you're like me, bar prep (or law school in general in my case) will keep you from posting...

Honestly, though, I find blogging to be kind of a stress relief...that's why I did it so much during first year. It's nice to know others are in the same boat :-)

Law Daze said...

Blogging was stress relief . . . until I realized how much there was to do and how pitiful my occasional posts had become. We are all in the same boat . . but what happened to the paddles? Or more appropriately - I ask myself, 'where exactly are we going . . and what am I doing in this handbasket??'