Friday, May 4, 2007

Is today May 4th Already?

Getting into the flow is harder than I anticipated. Monday April 30th was to be my one and only 'take care of misc. stuff' day. Unloading moving van, returning moving van . . .

Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Moved furniture & boxes most of the day. Finally settled down and read the first 50 or so pages of Micro-Mash introduction and reviewed some Federal Evidence. Total time – about 3 hours. Must do better tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Realized that my Micro Mash MBE (1) offline-version is too big for my laptop screen (2) does not include log-in information for the online version (3) employees do not actually answer the phone nor do they return phone calls the same day, and (4) appears to only be a series of tests/questions (albeit with good explanations after you miss the first dozen or so). Perhaps I need to be reading/studying something first, then loading the program and letting the answers fly. I really wish they would answer the phone.

Thursday, May 03, 2007.
Planned to settle down with the small BarBri book section on Constitutional Law and then tackle that section of Micro Mash again. Instead, more moving and unpacking, and tonight is the night I bought tickets to Wicked for my best friend’s birthday last week and so the afternoon and evening went (but the play was excellent). I need an organized, knowledgeable plan of attack. And the ability to set aside the assorted household and moving issues that seem to be consuming my days. And I still need to cancel utilities from the old apartment. Sigh.

Friday, May 04, 2007.
Tomorrow I fly to Columbia, SC for PMBR’s 6-day course. Why South Carolina? Important family graduation/obligation next Saturday – and the Texas 6-day courses either cross those days, or begin much later and so conflict with BarBri. Packing now, emergency visit to doc for sudden, unexplained foot pain – but surely there will be 5-6 hours to settle in with my books. MUST – FOCUS – NOW.

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